The Google Spam Sheriff: Matt Cutts, Google Penguin Update 2.1 on October 2013

Penguin update 2.1 Hello SEO lovers, there is another blast by Matt Cutts, the Google spam team. I will say them Google spam sheriff. Friends there is a Penguin update which can reflect your website. There was an update on twitter by Matt Cutts on 4th October 2013 (Friday) at 1:50 pm. Google posted that Penguin 2.1 is going to be launched and 1% search query will be effected.

What is the actual Google Penguin update 2.1, it will clear with in a week. Don’t take tension just do white hat SEO and check your back links using Google Webmaster tool. It’s time to series analysis.

There would be one site on rank #1. Think, why not yours? Google Spam team gives a chance to all the webmaster. They just throwback the penalized site, having penalized back links websites.

For more information read Google Matt Cutts Blog.

By Tarundeep Singh

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