List of On Page Activities

On Page factors influence search engine ranking of any web page. This is most important activity because in this activity you perform changes on your website. You have to keep search engine guidelines in your mind.  If you do not follow Google guidelines or any search engine guidelines then it will be penalized according to it. So don’t fear just follows search engine guidelines and make your site #1.

I am presenting list of best on page activities where you can learn about these on page SEO.

List of ON Page Activities are as follows:

URL Structure: Taking good URL structure is most important and toughest task. It depends on creator’s skills. choose appropriate URL structure. Always use that name which is related to your website. For example, if you are selling books online then you can use domain name like: “online-book-seller”.

There is a question arises that what should be used – (hyphen) or _ (underscore) in URL to get more about go through the post.

Title: Title represents about your webpage or website. Words used in URL must exist in title. For example URL is “” then title should be like this “Purchase Online from Reliable Book Seller”.

Keyword Research:

Keyword Density:

Meta Tags:

Meta Description:

H1 Tags:

ALT Tags:

Internal Linking:

Original, Effective & Keyword Reach Content:



Blog installation & posting:

W3C Validation:

Track of target keywords:

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